Soybean Seeds

Cerified Seeds

JS - 2034
JS - 2029
JS - 2069
JS - 2098
JS - 9560
JS - 9305
RVS - 2001-04
RVS - 2002-4 (Raj Soya-24)

Research Seeds

ABS - 85
ABS - 100

Wheat Seeds

Cerified Seeds

GW 322
GW 273
GW 451

Ultra Premium Gold Series

HI 1544(Purna)
HI 8759(Pusa Tejas)

Research Seeds


Paddy Seeds

Hybrid Paddy IMERGE - 9120

Long, bold, shiny and heavy grains
Crop Duration - 120-125 days
High Yielder
Fetches higher market price

Research Paddy APAAR - 505

Crop Duration: 115 - 120 days
Grain Quality: Excellent
Plant Height: 90-95 cms
Grain Colour: White
Yield: Very High

Research Paddy KRANTI GOLD

Crop Duration: 115-120 days
Grain Quality: Heavy & excellent
Grain Colour: White
Special: Best for Poha/processing

Research Paddy TARANGINI

Crop Duration: 110-115 days
Grain Quality: Heavy & excellent
Grain Colour: White
Special: Best for Poha/processing

Certified Seeds

IR-64 KRANTI MTU- 1010


Amaze - 121

Grain: Orange, big, uniform in shape
No. of lines: 14-16
Grain/line: 40-42
Plant: Tall and strong
Special: High shelling percent, uniform cobs

Amaze - 202

Grain: Orange, big, uniform in shape
No. of lines: 14-15
Grain/line: 36-38
Plant: Tall and strong
Crop Duration: 80-85 days (Kharif)
Special: Early hybrid requires less water.


Comming Soon


Comming Soon


Certified Seeds

PDM - 139 (Samrat)
IPM - 410-3 (Shikha)
MH - 421

Research Seeds
